TIL: Getting Your Most Commonly Used Terminal Commands

Photo by Juan Gomez on Unsplash

TIL: Getting Your Most Commonly Used Terminal Commands

Today I learned that my favorite terminal zsh combined with oh-my-zsh includes an inbuilt command that I can use to check my most used terminal commands.

To access it you just need to run zsh_stats and it will produce a ranked list of the top 20 commands and how many times they have been run.

This is the output I get from my terminal

A lot of those are command aliases from oh-my-zsh plugins, most of them from the git plugin. The top command there is a shortcut for git commit -m which is just a lot to type out every time I need to create a commit message.

This cheatsheet contains some more convenient shortcuts and the inbuilt oh-my-zsh plugins contain even more awesomeness! I always discover something new there.

Just thought this is a really cool feature. oh-my-zsh is pretty amazing 🤩